October Refuses to Leave Me

Written by Ava and Designed by Quinn

Holly Street
Written by Grace
Designed by May

In third grade I knocked out your tooth
I don’t know if you remember now
I hugged you so hard
My head smashed it out
But you weren’t mad
You held it up proudly
Flashing your new smile
I miss it
Six minute walks
My house to yours,
Where we’d watch Aquamarine
And talk about where we’d swim away to if we were mermaids

I remember when your first boyfriend broke up with you
I can feel the blanket wrapped around you on my cheek
When I hugged you on your front porch
I wanted to knock his teeth out
This time I would’ve meant it
When I close my eyes I feel it all at once
The grass and the carpet and the blanket
And the hurt of when you stopped coming around
It’s okay
I’m not there either
Neither is my childhood cat
Who used to sleep on your lap at the kitchen table
I’m too tall for the bed, anyway
It’s better this way

We had our whole lives to play pretend in your attic
Like we knew how to be anything other than kids
The wildest machination of our imagination
Was that we believed this would last forever
I get lost in hindsight
The memories smell like laying on the grass in your backyard
And feel like the purple carpet in your playroom
Following you home to a haunted house and halved apples
I can still trace the halls in my mind
Out to the treehouse your dad built
When we had grown out of playing outside
My Immigration Sob Story
Written by Valentina and Designed by Alexia